Sunday, September 30, 2007

Dating: Why suffer?

I think I am at a point where I just can't stand people and I refuse to change.
Lately whenever I meet anyone interesting I do not seem to have a problem going from -- Intros to making a Date -- within 15 minutes.

Moving on.

But I find that after meeting and going on the date I am very judgmental after only 15 minutes. So if I could just find a way to meet and then immediately move to a new location and begin the date, then after a total of 30 minutes everything would be clear. Imagine the time savings and cash savings.

I had a horrible date last night. And it is so specifically horrible that I can't write about it because it would reveal my secret identity if anyone out there ever reads this....and possibly knows me. Although what are the odds?

One point then I will close this. If you are woman(girl, female, lady, whatever you prefer) you still need to have some level of politeness. Don't randomly change plans in an extreme way. Keep you pants hiked-up enough if you are out somewhere nice. And if you have ADHD just be up-front about it so that all information can be given to you in short repetitive summaries.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

SALIK is working, but in a Bad Way

Living in Al Barsha and around the Greens I am subject to a daily dose of "SALIK Dodgers". These people do everything they can to avoid paying SALIK. They even seem to add 30 minutes to their commute by causing massive bottle necks in neighborhoods.

I just don't understand. I balance the SALIK use. Three days a week I use it to go to work, and I save 15-20 minutes off my commute time. Two days a week I wake-up earlier and drive the side roads. I never use it to go home as I am not in a big rush usually.

So I spend ...are you ready.....12-16 AED a week. Or about 4 US Dollars.

These drivers that dodge SALIK are not driving small cheap cars. So why can't they use the SALIK? Why can't they afford it?

I was thinking. Most high performance cars run best at speed; not in a traffic congested mess. In fact, you are often presented with two different equations when calculating the value of a used car. A high mileage car that has earned its Ks on long high-speed roads is not devalued as much a car that is used in a congested daily commute.

It makes you wonder if the 20 AED a week most people are saving by not using SALIK one-way is worth the value they are losing on their cars. Plus let us not forget that they are losing time everyday too. It is almost like they have no value on their time or for their time.

When I use SALIK I get from the parking at home (then I sit and wait 5 mins or so to cut through the river of traffic) to the parking at my work in about 8 mins. Totally worth not sitting in a river of traffic stocked full of people too cheap to spend 5 US Dollars a week --while driving 50,000 Dollar Cars.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Stuck in Traffic? Stop complaining and do something useul.

I was reading this article today about people being stuck in traffic. I used to live somewhere where traffic is just as bad as Dubai, but not as dangerous. Anyway I would have a massive commute three times a week for work. Each way took at least 1.5 hours.

So guess what I did. I didn't write to the city and complain about something that can't be solved. I learned another language. That's right. I used the traffic time and an audio CD to learn something.
I find that when you are in a situation that does not have an immediate solution, the best thing to do is to make it better. I mean it is very ignorant to spend everyday being angry at things you can't control.

Even books on-tape my help those who have TV brain-rot. Walk away from the reality TV and spend an hour listening....the theater of the mind is not as boring as you might think.

D. Blogger.